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Dr. Malaspina adamantly prefers maca to HRT. "The presence of outside hormones circulating in the system sends a message to the pituitary and the hypothalamus that there is a sufficient quantity of hormones in the body, and so they stop producing them. When menopause arrives, then, the ovaries are atrophied and do not produce the estrogen and progesterone which the body requires minimally to function. For this reason, I encourage women to start with maca before menopause. It seems to help the endocrine system to stay in balance." |
Most astounding, is the fact that the maca root contains natural substances, which stimulate the pituitary and hypothalamus.  These glands in turn trigger the ovaries, adrenals, testes, thyroid, and pancreas to healthy functioning, thus producing balanced amounts of hormones. This has and can be demonstrated with the sex hormones through the use of saliva hormone examine. In addition, it supports the thyroid glands. Maca is also described as having powerful energizing affects.
Couples that are trying to conceive a child have found maca to be very helpful, as it affects both sexes, increasing sperm count in a matter of days. Maca is used and endorsed by prominent doctors such as Gabriel Cousens and Burton Goldberg.
It is being recommended by a number of doctors to restore energy and vigor to the elderly. Maca is described as an aphrodisiac for both men and women, undoubtedly because of its effects on hormonal levels. Several prominent medical doctors, including Dr. Burton Goldberg, have publicly stated that it greatly improved their sexual functioning. "Maca stimulates your own natural hormone production, by inducing the optimal functioning of the pituitary and endocrine glands", says Dr. Chacon (Nature & Health magazine, Nov. 1999). "Rather than taking drugs to supply laboratory artificial hormones into your body; organic maca (which is a root tuber) acts naturally, nourishing your glands and inducing a balancing production of your own hormones. Dr. Chacon's discoveries of the pituitary stimulating effects of maca are enormous." No one product is effective for all women, but in most cases, maca works very well. Nurse practitioner Stephanie Smith from New York State says that 95% of the women in her practice have been successful in using maca under her guidance. Dr. Muller says that she would put the figure at at least 90%. Maca rejuvenates the endocrine system for both men and women. The importance of hormones to our health and well-being cannot be overstated. Researchers on the aging process have repeatedly stated that it is caused, in large part, by the drop in all important and major hormones. Conversely, many state that supplementing with natural, nontoxic forms of hormones can slow or even reverse some aspects of the aging process. However, obtaining all of the necessary hormones in the correct amounts can be a complex balancing act. Many women end up taking mainstream substitutes for hormonal replacement, in an attempt to reproduce a youthful hormonal balance. And taking these substances can signal the master glands of the body, the hypothalamus, and pituitary, to produce fewer hormones internally and even atrophy as the body is getting the message that it is getting what it needs and doesn't need to work.
What would happen if there were a way to re-stimulate the entire endocrine system, starting with the master glands and proceeding to affect all the other major endocrine glands? What if those glands could be rejuvenated, as nature intended, so that we could produce adequate amounts of our own hormones once again? According to prominent researchers, there is a way to accomplish this seemingly impossible goal. By taking an herb called maca, most women can release their dependence upon taking hormone replacements.
The active ingredients in maca are not phyto-estrogens, nor are they hormone like substances such as are found in wild yam. Instead, they are naturally occurring alkaloids. Dr. Gloria Chacon, a biologist from Peru, states that the alkaloids in maca act on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which explains why the effects in humans are not limited to [the] sex hormones, but also act on the adrenals, giving a feeling of greater energy and vitality, and on the pancreas and thyroid as well. Maca is beneficial for women of any age, through the change, and beyond. It is recommended for woman for two reasons. First, it has a balancing effect on the hormones. For example, if you have one hormone that is dominant, maca will help your hormones come into balance with each other. Secondly, taking maca before the change will help to keep your endocrine system toned and healthy, making it likely that you'll sail through the bodies changes. Women will find maca a safe and completely drug-free alternative to balancing hormones. Women who have been using mainstream substitutes for hormonal replacement of any sort will need to make a gradual transition to using maca. This may take anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months and is done gradually so that the body naturally adjusts to producing its own hormones. Usually, women also find that they no longer need to supplement with other hormones such as pregenolone or DHEA. Women who are not currently using hormones will also benefit from the use of maca. Not only will they find help to raise hormone levels to a healthy state, but it will assist in building bone density. In Peru, several prominent doctors recommend maca to assist in the healing of bone fractures. Stephanie Smith, RN, says that one patient who has been taking maca for over a year had a series of bone density studies done that showed increased density in the spine.
As we age, bones become fragile and more likely to break, it is serious and potentially dangerous. Taking a small amount of Peruvian maca daily is an inexpensive and effective way to support bone health. Maca can also help with general fatigue brought on by aging.
Maca raises DHEA and cortisol levels. Most people with fatigue have adrenal fatigue, maca is very effective for rebuilding exhausted adrenal glands. This will take time, if the adrenals are exhausted by long-term stress; although in some cases noticeable increases in energy can occur within a couple of weeks. Doctors have also recommended maca to increase vigor or energy in the elderly. In addition to supporting the balance of hormones, maca can work on a gradual, continuous basis to improve all-over health. Maca is known as an adaptogen which means that it works in harmony with the body, regardless of age or sex.
FDA-Required Statement: Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Maca Live™ is not recommended for women on birth control. We cannot guarantee that you will not get pregnant.
**If you are on Thyroid medication check with your doctor after being on maca for a few months. It has been know to stimulate the thyroid to work and you may need to lower your medication. It can be dangerous if you have too much thyroid medication in your system.