Teri Livengood, 56 years young. My periods stopped abruptly when I was 39 years old. I was completely unprepared for the emotional and physical changes of premature menopause. Like millions of women before me, I experimented with hormone replacement therapy, but it left me feeling depressed and anxious about the side effects.
There didn't seem to be any options between hormone replacement therapy and old fashion grit, so I opted for grit, struggling with depression, hot flashes, night sweats, a sagging libido, and despair.
It was while working on a radio show in Southern California, that I first heard about maca. One of the guests was so enthusiastic about the maca root's balancing properties that I decided to give it a try. Within a couple of weeks, I felt like I had been reborn. Gone were the debilitating side effects of menopause. Over the next couple of months, my energy, optimism and libido were fully restored.
I have been taking maca every day for the past five years. It is the one supplement I will not do without. Today, at the age of 56, I feel better in body, mind and spirit, than I did in my thirties and forties.
My goal is to share the benefits, of this "youth root," with as many people as possible. Maca changed my life. I hope you'll consider including it on your own journey for optimum health.
Teri Livengood EMAIL
Please send by email, your results, as you can see I have a few projects and if you email it, it will definitely get on the site.
Dear Teri,
I have been taking Maca Live for a couple of months now. I feel it takes care of myself when I take it , It is very nutritious for my body and has become an integral part of my health routine. I am not a product person and like to get my nutrition from my food. I have sent Maca Live for my family & friends in Hungry. One friend said she felt 10 yrs. younger after a few days of taking Maca Live. Maca Live is like you, truly honest, nothing artificial about it. Andrea Kidy, L.a.
Dear Teri, Just a note with my Maca Live reorder, I really want to thank you for the Maca and the Bliss Machine. I use the Maca Live on a daily basis and find that my energy is returning, my weight is dropping and I am more balanced in general. I put it on my cereal or in a drink and actually like the taste. I have taken to using the Bliss machine every morning. I finally took your suggestion and put it on my bed and that made it so easy. The period after the machine stops is so for lack of a better word, BLISSFUL. The fact that my cellulite on my thighs and hips disappeared was enough. Top that with the lovely feeling, I am in heaven!! However, I don't think enough can be said about getting rid of the cellulite. Before this, I tried everything and this is the only thing that has had a lasting permanent effect. I am telling all of my friends about this aspect, I think it is the best answer and we all need it. Sincerely, Terra P. More info. on the Oxy Bliss Machine
Doctors Comment on Maca Users aren't the only ones making comments about maca. The root and its extracts are used in medical practice in Peru. In the November 1988 Townsend Letter for Doctors, physicians were quoted regarding the therapeutic and salutary uses of maca. Doctor Hugo Malaspina, M.D., a cardiologist practicing complementary medicine in Lima, Peru, has been using maca in his practice for 10 years. Malaspina first found out about maca through a group of sexually active older men who were taking the herb with good results. "One of this group started taking maca and found he was able to perform satisfactorily in a sexual relationship with a lady friend. Soon everyone in the group began drinking the powdered maca as a beverage and enjoying the boost that the root was giving their hormonal functions. I have several of these men as patients, and their improvement prompted me to find out more about maca and begin recommending it to my other patients." Another Peruvian physician, Doctor Aguila Calderon, M.D., is the former dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine at the National University of Federico Villarreal in Lima. Doctor Calderon uses maca for male impotence, erectile issues, menopausal issues and general fatigue, and claims good results. Arizona physician Gary Gordon, M.D., former president of the American College for Advancement in Medicine, is also a maca supporter. "We all hear rumors about various products like maca. But using this Peruvian root myself, I personally experienced a significant improvement in erectile tissue response". |
FDA-Required Statement: Information on this site is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
*Maca Live™ is not recommended for women on birth control. We cannot guarantee that you will not get pregnant.
**If you are on Thyroid medication check with your doctor after being on maca for a few months. It has been know to stimulate the thyroid to work and you may need to lower your medication. It can be dangerous if you have too much thyroid medication in your system.